
Asset Integrity Management software for operational efficiency


Velosi Asset Integrity Ltd outlines the benefits of its VAIL-Plant Asset Integrity Management system

Asset Integrity Management software plays an essential role in the day-to-day management of a process plant. The right asset management software can dramatically impact operational efficiency by identifying potential risks, managing the plant’s assets and scheduling jobs for maintenance, thus reducing the likelihood and potential cost of failures.

Velosi offers a “VAIL-Plant Asset Integrity Management system”, a cost-saving, in-house developed, and fully certified solution to manage the efficiency of physical assets on a single platform and control workflows throughout the whole asset cycle. Incorporating the VAILPlant application with decision-making methods and industry-specific asset models such as Risk Based Inspection (RBI), Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM), Failure Mode, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA), and Safety Integrity Level (SIL), increases the profitability of existing assets. The use of these asset models in the VAILplant application can help provide insights of overall asset condition and risks that a plant operator normally requires.

The software has been designed following the leading industry standards and is Exida certified for API 580, ASME B31.8S and IEC 61508 to meet industry requirements. VAIL-Plant software is SAPcertified to integrate with SAP ERP System. Velosi has automated its system to integrate with effective ERP systems, to deliver a high-quality solution to the oil and gas industries.

VAIL-Plant modules that cover all assets in the oil and gas industry include Asset Performance Management System (APMS); Pressurised Equipment Management System (PEMS); Pipeline Integrity Management System Onshore (PIMS); Pipeline Integrity Management System Offshore (PIMS); Structure Integrity Management System (SIMS); Pressure Safety Valve and Relief Valve Management System (PSVMS); Electrical, Instrumental and Rotary Management System (EIRMS); Lifting Equipment Management System (LEMS); Wellhead Integrity Management System (WHIMS); Civil Inspection Management System (CIMS); Cathodic Protection Management System (CPMS); Hull Integrity Management System (HIMS); Flexible Riser Integrity Management System (FRIMS); Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS); Inspection Scheduling Management System (ISMS); and Enterprise Resource Planning System Interface (ERPI). Thus, customers can opt in for modules according to their requirement.

Key features and functions

VAIL-Plant system is fully interactive and easily configurable and customisable for the client. It provides the following basic features:

• Manages and monitors asset status from a single management dashboard screen

• Identifies the unknowns and cumulative risks of aging equipment

• A hierarchical approach for data recording and management

• Identified user roles and user authorisations

• Captures deterioration mechanisms and historical information

• Covers all equipment in separate modules, based on their functional and operational features

• Creates optimised inspection and maintenance strategies

• Identifies various trends by reporting the types of integrity parameters, eg corrosion rate, inspection activities, etc.

• Prioritises and manages inspection programme tasks and resource planning

• Saves all the necessary documents against every piece of equipment for easy access and record • Extensive reporting and customised User List View

• Equipment condition monitoring

• Various corrosion rate models

• Inspection scheduling and maintenance with workflow adjustments

• Bulk loading and data exporting

• Integration with Arc GIS for the geographical representation of maps

• Ability to set specific searches and automatic email alerts.

With Velosi’s vast experience across the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Africa with trusted and comparative analytics, VAIL-Plant has enabled plant operators to identify critical assets, increase equipment reliability by at least 20%, reduce failure risk by up to 90% and achieve cost savings of up to 50%. VAIL-Plant is a single resource software solution, empowering decision makers with the information they need to optimise their assets and understand their aging infrastructure.