
AnTech’s new coiled tubing equipment


Antech, a specialist engineering design and manufacturing company recently expanded its range of equipment for electric wireline in coiled tubing (CT).

The company serves the international upstream oil and gas industries and has being playing an increasingly important role in the industry as the number of CT operations has increased dramatically during the past five years.

Coil companies are providing a wider range of services to existing units which is helping to boost CT operations in the industry. The effectiveness of CT operations can be dramatically improved when an electric line is used in the coil. As a result, more and more CT operators are opting to use electric wireline CT.

AnTech's new additions help enhance logging and perforating on coil tubing. The new items include a 8-way Collector Bulkhead, (10,000 psi) that utilises a bulkhead with seven-conductor feed-thru and boot assembly.

Another addition is an electrical release for the 2-7/8" 7 conductor Cable Head that ensures reliable and safe termination downhole. A 1¾ inch Single Conductor Cable Head that allows for smaller tubing sizes and restrictions has also been introduced.

The final item is a new Dual Polarity Electrical Release for multiple shot perforating operations that require positive and negative current for firing.

"The addition of these items bodes well for those carrying out logging and perforating jobs with electric line in coiled tubing. The development of two new Electrical Releases extends the tool's application in perforating where use of a mechanical shear release poses the risk of release upon detonation," said Tim Mitchell, Product Line Manager - CT Tools for AnTech.

AnTech has fulfilled orders for four logging head systems featuring the 8-way Collector Bulkhead, Electrical Release, 1-3/4" Cable Head and Dual Polarity Electrical Release for use in China and the Middle East.

All components of AnTech's wireline CT equipment range, including the four new elements, are compatible with most types of electric wirelines.