
Linde to construct gas facilities for Sadara


The Linde Group and Sadara Chemical Company (Sadara) has signed a long-term contract to supply on-site gases and construct new facilities for Sadaras chemical complex in Jubail, Saudi Arabia

The contract includes the construction of a HyCO facility for the production of CO and H2 plus an ammonia plant. Linde has said that it will invest US$380mn into the project.

"It is Linde's largest on-site petrochemical project in this region and our first in Jubail. It thus strengthens our position as a global leader in the generation and supply of carbon monoxide for MDI and TDI production plants at integrated chemical hubs," said Linde executive board member, Dr Aldo Belloni.

Linde's engineering division will design, deliver and construct the new turnkey gases facilities at Sadara's site in the Jubail 2 petrochemical cluster.

The company will build a two-stream HyCO plant, plus a single-stream NH3 unit producing waterless liquid ammonia. Linde will also install a large NH3 storage tank, which will result in a sophisticated supply concept that will enable the plant to run smoothly and reliably at all times.

The production units are scheduled to be ready in 2015 and will be operated by Linde's gases division, with the company also setting up a local gases unit for on-site support.

Sadara, a joint venture by Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical Company, will construct, own and operate a world-scale integrated chemicals complex in Jubail Industrial City II.