
Lighting the way for a sustainable future

As the energy sector looks to making its future more sustainable through innovation, the energy consumed by lighting should not be forgotten. At the long awaited return to a live ADIPEC, ZALUX will be urging both onshore and offshore facilities to check their lighting efficiency and look at the advantages modern lighting solutions may offer

LED is the most sustainable, tested, and proven technology available on the market today. It can reach remarkable levels of efficiency and, with values above 200 lm/W, performs two or even three times better than traditional technologies such as discharge lamps or fluorescence. This equates to a remarkable 80% saving in energy. But benefits of LED technology go beyond pure efficiency.

LED technology enables the integration of other technologies to control and configure lighting settings based on readings from presence or luminosity sensors. Wireless solutions further help make installation easier, wherever it is needed. This means lights can be installed to work where and when they are needed without wasting electricity or lighting areas at times when it is not needed. On top of the 80% direct saving from the greater efficiency of LED, users can therefore expect a modern lighting solution to nett around 50% more savings compared with traditional lighting technology, making it a potential real sustainability winner.

For sites with old type lighting fixtures using traditional light sources, such as high-pressure sodium, metal halide or fluorescent sources, which have lower energy and luminous efficiencies, upgrade to LED technology will support efforts to increase sustainability. The integration of intelligent control can further optimize life expectancy and provide predictive data for maintenance purposes.

ZALUX has long been focussed on sustainability and is once again leading the way with the launch of its new STRONGEX range of luminaires. Available for EX Zone 1 or EX Zone 2 applications and ideal for a wide range of oil, gas and petrochemical applications, the STRONGEX 1 and STRONGEX 2 luminaires are designed to reduce energy consumption, extend lifecycle, and lower maintenance overheads. Their experience with innovative materials, latest lighting electronics and requirements for operation in hostile environments means the new STRONGEX luminaires not only offer exceptional efficiencies but are pushing the benchmark of sustainability in offshore and onshore lighting applications.