
Total appoints SGI to boost its supercomputer’s performance

Energy firm Total has selected data analytics provider SGI to upgrade its supercomputer Pangea

Pangea is a 2.3 petaflop system based on the Intel Xeon E5-2670 v3 processor that consists of 110,592 cores and contains 442 terabytes of memory built on SGI ICE X.

According to Total, one of Pangea’s main applications is seismic processing and imaging. Sound wave data collected in the field is run through the computer using complex algorithms to generate an artificial impression of the reservoir subsurface.

SGI will boost Pangea’s current SGI(R) ICE(TM) X high-performance computing (HPC) system with an additional 4.4 petaflops of compute power.

Pangea is located at Total’s Jean Feger Scientific and Technical Centre in France. Once the new upgrades are installed, Pangea will run entirely on 4.5MW.

SGI CEO Jorge Titinger said, “Oil and gas companies have faced increasing difficulty in the discovery and extraction of new oil and gas reserves in recent years making HPC technology a crucial tool for organisations in this industry. Total has long been recognised as a leader in oil and gas exploration through the use of HPC technology.”

The updated SGI ICE X configuration for Pangea will also feature an additional 9.2 petabytes of storage. It will have an additional 4,608 nodes based on the Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 processor that consist of 110,592 cores.

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