
Schlumberger launches new marine seismic technology

Schlumberger has launched a marine isometric seismic technology, which it has claimed can provide the first true 3D wavefield measurement and more accurate images of subsurface features than rival technologies

The IsoMetrix system utilises calibrated, multisensor MEMS technology, which forms part of the company's new WesternGeco Nessie-6 point-receiver seismic streamer.

WesternGeco president Carel Hooykaas said, “Through an extensive 10-year research and engineering programme, we have developed a new category of seismic that not only includes the acquisition technology, but also the algorithms and workflows needed to manage such an unprecedented amount of data.”

IsoMetrix technology outputs isometrically sampled point-receiver data in both crossline and inline directions that captures the returning wavefield in 3D. It can enable exploration through a high-resolution near-surface characterisation, well integrity planning and unmatched 4D repeatability.

According to Schlumberger, field trials conducted last year highlighted the new technology’s high accuracy, achieving a 12:1 crossline reconstruction ratio and producing a 6.25m data grid from streamers 75m apart.

The company has said that it is currently in the process of developing a range of applications based on IsoMetrix technology.