
Petrobras adopts data analytics tool to improve oilfield production

Brazilian energy firm Petrobras has adopted SAS analytics software to increase production efficiency and contribute to total oil recovery using data-driven insights

SAS is a software suite developed by SAS Institute for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management and predictive analytics.

Olinto Gomes de Souza, senior geologist at Petrobras, said, “The company is looking to SAS to help employees manage large amounts of data and make better decisions about major projects. SAS Analytics has proven to be reliable in 100 per cent of our cases. No other software on the market matches this performance."

Using the SAS technology, technicians create statistical models and analyse large volumes of data to increase the recovery factor, which is the percentage of oil resources in an oilfield that is estimated to be recoverable, added the geologist.

Alyssa Farrell, product marketing manager for energy at SAS Institute, noted that data analytics could help oil and gas companies to cost-effectively extract resources from conventional and unconventional assets, predict problems before they occur and improve production from mature fields.

According to Farrell, the company’s goal is to become one of the five largest integrated energy companies in the world by 2020.

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