
New well integrity service launched for oil industry

US-based Schlumberger has launched Invizion Evaluation well integrity service for oilfield operators, which uses real-time data to identify zonal isolation issues

Zonal isolation is defined as the exclusion of fluids such as water or gas in one zone from mixing with oil in another zone.

According to Schlumberger, the Invizion Evaluation well integrity service also helps to understand the zonal isolation issues and minimises its potential impact on well integrity.

Well integrity includes the application of technical, operational and organisational solutions to reduce risk of uncontrolled release of formation fluids throughout the life cycle of an oilwell.

Amerino Gatti, president of well services at Schlumberger, said, “One key component in achieving zonal isolation is cementing, which can impact productivity, help prevent sustained casing pressure and annular flow, and mitigate loss of well control issues.

“The Invizion Evaluation service combines all available data from open hole, cementing placement and acoustic logs for cement evaluation in an integrated workflow. This service supports customer decision making during the well construction and completion phases to help ensure a robust cement barrier.”

Gatti stated that the company has successfully field tested Invizion Evaluation well integrity service in a wide range of locations, which includes offshore environments in the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of Alaska and also unconventional wells in Colorado located in the USA.

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