
New tool launched to analyse crude oil import

US-based statistical and analytical agency Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released a new US Crude Oil Import Tracking Tool to track trends in crude oil imports

According to EIA, users can sort and display crude oil imports by month or year, by crude type, country source, port of entry, processing company and processing refinery.

The tool features graphing and mapping capabilities and a built-in help function, added the analytical agency.

An EIA spokesperson said, “This tool sheds light on the adjustments to imports being made in response to growing production of crude oil within the USA. It is one part of EIA's ongoing effort to assess the effects of a possible relaxation of current limitations on the country’s crude oil exports, which is another avenue to accommodate domestic production growth.”

Launched on EIA’s beta site to solicit customer feedback and incorporate that feedback into the final release, the new tool represents EIA’s latest step in making energy data more accessible, understandable, relevant and responsive to users’ needs, added the spokesperson.

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