
New data management application to aid upstream businesses

Accenture and SAP have launched a new data management application for oil and gas companies to help them manage upstream businesses

The SAP Upstream Operations Management application could quickly identify under-performing wells and the underlying causes so that companies could develop action plans to get back on track, stated Accenture.

Johan Nell, upstream segment lead of Accenture, said that the new management application could replace multiple legacy tools used to support the end-to-end process for field data capture, production allocation and deferment management by consolidating operational processes and detailed production information into a single enterprise system.

“Because the application is deeply integrated into SAP software, we can leverage the integrated data model from production and maintenance to finance and accounting information. This allows operators to ask new questions such as ‘What is my well-by-well profitability?’ or ‘Which unplanned maintenance events are causing me the biggest production upsets?’ The insight this can bring is essential when operators are dealing with an increasingly diverse mix of assets with higher well counts and complex production environments,” added Nell.

According to SAP, the data management application could run on the SAP HANA platform and could process complex production scenarios. Since SAP Upstream Operations Management provides a single view of production volumes, it could run an entire organisation’s set of production networks in a single instance.

Groegor-Cechowicz, global vice-president of SAP, noted that the new application allows operators to understand performance across the company with a scalable enterprise platform from SAP. “We help oil and gas companies ‘run simple’ by enabling production managers to allocate volumes back to the wellhead, providing maintenance managers with capabilities to view and plan activities across an operations network, allowing asset managers to link data across assets, including the well level,” he said.

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