
New 3D Geological Interpretation software launched

Austin GeoModeling (AGM) announced the latest release of its 3D Geological Interpretation software, RECON, including the new Geologic Scenario Manager, an interpretation version control utility.

RECON Geologic Scenario Manager helps set a new standard in the geological interpretation workflow by allowing geologists to run and assess multiple interpretation scenarios on the go. In addition, the new RECON Petrel Plug-in enables fast and efficient data sharing providing an integrated environment greater collaboration. With the power and speed of RECON's automated Cascade Technology that delivers instant re-calculation and visualisation of structure and attributes when new data is added or edited it is incorporated seamlessly into their Petrel geocellular modelling workflow.

"The automation of the tedious re-mapping and model building and multiple version capture in RECON and RECON Geologic Scenario Manager empowers geologists to rapidly and efficiently explore and communicate alternative interpretation scenarios for the first time and evaluate the material impact on the viability of a project in real time, ultimately delivering a more accurate interpretation," said Robin Dommisse, CEO of AGM,

RECON includes usability enhancements to RECON StratalSlice the application for geomorphological or stratal time slicing. StratalSlice divides any seismic data volume of time varying internal thickness into uniform geologic time increments making seismic imaging of depositional systems much easier. StratalSlice now reads 16 bit and 32 bit volumes and is compatible with OpenWorks R5000.

"The release of the new RECON modules demonstrates again AGM's commitment to continually and rapidly delivering innovative practical functionality providing unprecedented gains in efficiency and accuracy", said Tron Isaksen, president of AGM.