
Mtell and MapR deploy big data platform to manage real-time oil and gas data

Enterprise software providers Mtell and MapR have announced a new big data platform Mtell Reservoir that analyses real-time sensor and historical data alongside maintenance data generated from oil rigs

Designed specifically for data centre user needs, Mtell Reservoir is an enterprise historian that distributes disk access and CPU processing across MapR clusters of computers to provide orders of magnitude improvements over contemporary plant historians.

According to Mtell, the solution has proven loading of over 100mn data points per second on four servers with performance that scales linearly with the number of servers.

Mtell president Mike Brooks said, “With a predictable, low-cost scaling methodology, MapR offers a top performing Hadoop distribution that can deliver the performance levels required when it comes to handling massive amounts of sensor and maintenance data. We discovered that other Hadoop distributions require far more hardware to accomplish what Mtell has deployed.”

The new solution from Mtell and MapR enables subject matter experts within organisations to perform remote monitoring and analysis from a central repository. There they can act on volumes of data retrieved from many assets at many locations to enable new levels of predictive maintenance.

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