
Makamin Digitalcore JV to establish core imaging laboratory

The Saudi Makamin Oil & Gas Services Company and Digitalcore Pty Ltd have created a joint venture (JV) that will see the establishment of a core imaging laboratory in the Kingdom and the transfer of technical expertise.

HeliscanTM micro-CT system

The JV will be based in Dhahran, and will make use of Digitalcore’s unique HeliscanTM micro-CT system, which can image reservoir samples at micron resolutions.

Digitalcore’s proprietary image analysis software will process the micro-CT acquired images to create 3D representations of the rock suitable for further processing and the derivation of key petrophysical and geological properties used in oilfield simulations.

A supplement

Makamin Executive Board Member Ahmad Al-Faleh said “the JV services will supplement Saudi Makamin’s Geosciences Division which already provides scientific, geological, geophysical and petrophysical studies to assist the company's clients in their subsurface-related challenges and projects.”

Knowledge transfer

“Makamin’s dedication to recruiting and training Saudi Nationals, specifically in key technical positions, will allow a gradual transfer of knowledge from our experienced team in Canberra, Australia, to the JV team here in Saudi Arabia,” said Dr. Victor Pantano, Digitalcore's Chief Executive Officer.

Focusing on local talent

Makamin is a leader in ‘localization’ by aggressively recruiting and training Saudi Nationals specifically in key technical positions and has developed a relationship with local technical institutes and colleges and continuously developing and training the managerial and admin staff to meet the daily challenges, standout among peers, and to be professional and up-to-date with industry trends.