
Emerson releases reservoir modelling solution update

Emerson Process Management has released the latest version of its reservoir modelling software, Roxar RMS 2012, with enhanced capabilities and features.

The launch sees the continued expansion of Roxar RMS into the geophysics domain through a completely integrated reservoir modelling workflow which includes seismic interpretation, reservoir simulation, reservoir behaviour predictions, and uncertainty management.

"With average global oil & gas recovery rates at just 22 per cent, the smallest percentage improvements can have a huge impact on both future oil & gas production and the bottom line", said Emerson's Roxar Software Solutions Managing Director, Kjetil Fagervik.

"Accurate predictive reservoir models that can realistically represent the underlying seismic data and that can offer a seamless route from seismic to simulation are absolutely central to efforts to improve oil & gas recovery today. These are the underlying goals behind Roxar RMS 2012," he added.

The key new features of RMS 2012 include seismic inversion, seismic attributes, and field planning. The seismic inversion feature is the only inversion tool on the market today which can produce facies probability cubes automatically in the inversion process. Probability cubes also provide an excellent QC tool and generate information equivalent to many stochastic inversions.

The seismic attributes is a powerful new visualisation toolkit which enables modellers to extract maximum value from their seismic data through the creation of attributes that more clearly define reservoir structure and guide the user through the facies modelling process.

Finally, the field planning functionality enables modellers to quickly and accurately create multiple, optimal well plans for their fields. The tool's ability to design multiple targets, optimise pad and target locations, and automatically generate well paths with user defined constraints is particularly applicable to unconventional assets such as SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) and shale gas fields.