
CriticalControl Solutions integrates GDM’s pipeline data into ProMonitor

CriticalControl Solutions has signed an agreement with Geomatics Data Management (GDM) to incorporate GDM’s pipeline, facility and transportation data into its risk and spatial data solutions

The solutions include ProMonitor Measurement Schematics, ProMonitor Pipeline Integrity Management and OneCall Manager.

ProMonitor Pipeline Integrity Management is CriticalControl’s cloud-based data-driven solution for pipeline risk assessment and mitigation management for maximum priority, efficiency and productivity. Data and visuals are securely accessed through a GIS map based web interface with customised region, area and field hierarchies and roles-based user permissions.

CriticalControl Solutions vice-president of Technical Services Don Shaw said, “This agreement with GDM will enhance our customers’ experience with our solutions through improved data integration.

“Customers will now benefit from viewing up-to-date, accurate data available within our applications, allowing them to make better, more informed decisions about their oil and gas infrastructure.”

ProMonitor Measurement Schematics solution manages and maintains critical field drawing information whereas OneCall Manager provides producers and locator companies with a complete solution to ensure management and compliance with One-Call requirements related to pipeline assets.

CriticalControl Solutions vice-president of Technical Services Don Shaw said, “This agreement with GDM will enhance our customers’ experience with our solutions through improved data integration.

“Customers will now benefit from viewing up-to-date, accurate data available within our applications, allowing them to make better, more informed decisions about their oil and gas infrastructure.”

ProMonitor Measurement Schematics solution manages and maintains critical field drawing information whereas OneCall Manager provides producers and locator companies with a complete solution to ensure management and compliance with One-Call requirements related to pipeline assets.

Canadian firm GDM provides a full suite of asset management contract and consulting services focused on pipeline, facility, transportation, and midstream related data management.