
Big data centre launched for oil and gas industries

UK-based Robert Gordon University (RGU) has announced the launch of Centre for Smart Data Technologies, which would focus on big data analytics for the oil and gas industries

According to the university, the new centre has been set up to help the industry secure huge efficiencies from oilwells and is expected to also focus on the use of analytics to enhance oilwell production, improve asset maintenance and reliability, reduce risks in health and safety, and manage operating costs.

Ferdinand von Prondzynski, principal professor at RGU, said, “As the enormous potential of data analytics is increasingly recognised by industry and by government, RGU intends to play a leadership role in securing the benefits for the oil and gas industry. This will enhance the standing of the university, but will also support UK’s plans for economic growth and success.”

With a core team of up to 10 research staff and alongside business development and administrative support, RGU stated that it would build on its expertise in data modeling, smart information systems and knowledge management.

The Centre for Smart Data Technologies would also provide a collaborative facility involving academic and industry partners, where there would be purpose-driven research aimed at solving key technical challenges in the monitoring and management of subsea fields, noted Prondzynski.

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