
PetroPortal to help connect with other petrotechnical apps

IT company Evry has launched a cloud-based platform PetroPortal to assist oil and gas firms search and access other petrotechnical applications

Nina Amdal Fiskaaen, vice-president of EVRY, said, “PetroPortal is based on cloud technology, which allows immediate commencement without major upfront investments in hardware and infrastructure. The underlying infrastructure is extremely scalable in order to cope with changes in demand.

“The portal offers products and services for the entire business lifecycle — from applications to hosting and services. PetroPortal covers functionality and services for geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering.”

According to Fiskaaen, the company also plans to add new features to the cloud-based platform. “Seamless solutions for collaboration and communication across value chains will be essential to meet future demands for increased efficiency and cost control. In this light, PetroPortal will be a highly valuable tool for the oil and gas industry,” she added.

The company aims to further develop its position in the oil and gas sector and is looking to double its revenues from exploration industries over the next five years, revealed Fiskaaen.

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