
Unique Hydra delivers air dive system order to contractor in Saudi Arabia


South African-based subsea and offshore solution provider Unique Hydra has announced the delivery of the largest single order for air dive systems to its client Subtech Offshore Services

The equipment will be utilised on a long-term diving and support services contract in Saudi Arabia, with the order consisting of six complete SL3.1 Air diving controls and chamber systems, as well as the relevant SL 3.6 Machinery packages.

Paul Whiley, managing director at Subtech Offshore, said, “For Subtech, fulfilling our Quality Assurance roll-out to industry expectations means that diving equipment quality has to be among the cornerstone markers for our careful consideration.

"While it is always great to have shiny new kit, safety inextricably remains the primary driver, and on this subject, there can obviously be no compromise. Subtech will remain compliant arguably for decades into the future, as we use this equipment to take us forward."

Mike Jessop, managing director at Unique Hydra, remarked, "It was refreshing to see new equipment requirements being realised in the industry and the progressive view taken by Subtech Qatar management. Not only is the equipment meeting the current requirements of IMCA and OGP, but also fulfils the newly proposed IMCA D023 requirements and other FMEA system needs."