ac-webcam-c strengthens Middle East presence

Industry, one of the fastest growing technology platforms for the global energy sector, has signed up a local partner in Kuwait to focus on country-specific technology solutions as the company scales up its presence in the Middle East

Bringing 20 years of experience in the energy sector in the Middle East, John Minnee joins to help in customising offerings for oil and energy companies in Kuwait. His strong familiarity with the Kuwait energy market combined with his wide network of local industry players in technology management promises faster uptake of innovative solutions offered on the platform.

“The Kuwait energy sector is a huge market for technological solutions, especially as it accounts for around 90% of the country’s export revenues. Operators are keen to continuously innovate and be at the forefront of technological innovations that will not only upgrade their operational efficiency but will also make them more sustainable,” Minnee noted.

He added that as Kuwait intends to increase the share of natural gas and renewable energy to the power mix, there is a huge opportunity for to assist energy companies in the country in getting access to the world’s most innovative energy technologies. 

“My experience in technology management for major operators in Kuwait and the Middle East in general offers great value to Kuwait operators in finding the best possible technological solutions for their business needs. Together with’s global portfolio of energy technologies, we can strategically and accurately select the best, most appropriate innovations and roll them out with higher chances of success,” Minnee emphasised.

According to him, the energy market in Kuwait is receptive to new technologies that could revolutionise operations, lower costs and risks and reduce carbon emissions. In particular, he said operators are likely to be interested in technologies on digitalisation, maintenance and integrity, health and safety, pipelines, water management, early production facilities, sulfur solutions and asset management.  The power sector is expected to realize large growth in renewables.

Minnee held a variety of engineering, frontend development and project management roles for major international energy players such as Shell, Kuwait Energy, Petroleum Development Oman and Woodside Energy. Recently, also joined forces with Joe Dischinger and Colin Black for expansion in the US and UK markets, respectively.