
Preventing slips, trips and falls with Brady’s solutions


Brady Corporation has offered reliable identification solutions to prevent slips, trips and falls

Slips, trips and falls can result both in fatal and non-fatal workplace accidents and they are one of the most frequently occurring accident types.

About 36 per cent of EU companies acknowledge an increased risk of slips, trips and falls in their workplace according to EU-OSHA. To decrease the risk, we propose a number of reliable and highly visible safety identification solutions.

Floor marking: easily identify safe walking routes, obstacles and hazardous areas in the workplace.

Safety signs: a simple safety sign can prevent costly workplace accidents if it is clearly visible, draws attention and is easy to understand.

Spill control: stop spills before they cause workplace accidents.

Services: setup an on-site visit or audit with our specialists to easily select solution types that fit your needs.

Learn more about these solutions in the free guides from Brady!
