Weatherford International plc will appoint Girish K Saligram as the companys president and CEO, effective 12 October 2020
Hydrogen and CCS to be a catalyst to begin deeply decarbonising oil and gas value chain
The scaling of hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology – incentivised by policy – will be a catalyst to begin deeply decarbonising the oil and gas value chain after 2035, according to DNV GL’s forecast
STATS Group’s 2020 revenues to hold firm despite COVID-19 impact
Pipeline technology specialist STATS (UK) Ltd has generated revenues of US$50.69mn and EBITDA earnings of US$7.26mn, according to its annual accounts as at 31 December 2019
Sipchem partners with IBM to ensure business continuity amid COVID-19
Sahara International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem) has collaborated with IBM Services to virtualise its IT infrastructure, ensuring business continuity amid COVID-19
Chariot Oil & Gas completes 3D seismic data reprocessing on Anchois discovery, Morocco
Chariot Oil & Gas Limited has completed the reprocessing of 3D seismic data across the Lixus Offshore Licence (Lixus), Morocco, resulting in significant improvements in both image quality and in depth control