The Middle East, with 80.3 trillion cu/m, is home to 43.2 per cent of the total natural gas deposit in the world, according to a new report
Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s crude tanker reaches the US
A crude oil tanker from Kurdistan Region of Iraq via Turkey has reached and anchored near the Port of Galveston in Texas, USA
Libya plans first oil export from Ras Lanuf since reopening
Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) has issued tenders to export the first crude oil from its major eastern refinery and port Ras Lanuf, since a rebel blockade of many of the country’s oil facilities was brought to an end
Saudi Arabia’s oil export hits 1.38 billion barrels in first half of 2014
Saudi Arabia has exported around 1.38bn barrels of oil in the first six months of 2014 that yielded US$150.5bn, according to an economic expert
UAE and India in talks for oil storage
UAE has announced that India may lease a part of its planned strategic storage to state oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)