Unique Group, formerly known as Unique Maritime Group, is set to double its global subsea and offshore business through expansion into new markets and acquisitions
Gulf Petrochem partners with Repsol to sell lubricants in India
GP Petroleums Ltd, subsidiary of Gulf Petrochem, has partnered with Spain’s petroleum company Repsol to exclusively manufacture and market its comprehensive line of premium quality lubricants across India
BP Iraq awards Air Energi talent acquisition contract
Workforce solutions provider for the energy, process and infrastructure sector Air Energi has won a five-year talent supply contract from BP Iraq
‘Energy industry 30 years away from gender balance’
It will take more than 30 years to have a balanced representation of men and women in the global energy industry, according to a recent survey
Global energy: a year of ‘tectonic’ shifts
The 2015 edition of the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, launched on 10 June, highlights how significant changes in global energy production and consumption have profoundly affected prices, the global fuel mix and carbon dioxide emissions