The OPEC Conference has recommended an extension of the adjustment levels agreed at the last OPEC and non-OPEC ministerial meeting and a further reduction of 1.5 mn bpd until 30 June
ExxonMobil proposes framework for industry-wide methane regulations
ExxonMobil has released a model framework for industry-wide methane regulations and urged stakeholders, policymakers and governments to develop comprehensive, enhanced rules to reduce emissions in all phases of production
Deep Casing Tools expands footprint in major international regions
Leading oil and gas technology development company Deep Casing Tools (DCT) has increased turnover by 120 per cent in 2019 after strategic growth plans saw the company expand its headcount and footprint in major international regions
Coronavirus to delay most of 2020’s FPSO deliveries
Out of a global total of 28 floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels that are under construction, 22 are being built at shipyards in China, South Korea and Singapore
Cybersecurity now top focus of upstream digital investments: Accenture report
A new report from services company Accenture has revealed that cybersecurity has emerged as the top focus of upstream oil and gas companies’ digital investments