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Oman Oil and Port of Duqm sign oil terminal deal


Oman Oil has signed a US$50mn land lease agreement with Port of Duqm Company to develop an oil bunkering terminal and ancillary facilities at the port

The state-of-the-art terminal will provide heavy fuel oil and marine diesel oil, as well as marine lubricants to ships calling at the port and surrounding waters, Oman Oil said.

Reggy Vermeulen, commercial director of Port of Duqm Company, said, “The signature of these two agreements is opening a new era in the Port of Duqm. The port will now be able to provide bunker services to the ships calling at the port, in addition to the ships being serviced at Oman Drydock.

“Up until now, the ships calling at the Port of Duqm were required to sail several days in order to reach a port for full bunkering. The agreement is the result of two years of negotiation and fine tuning, and we are proud to be able to join forces with Oman Oil company to offer services at the port.”

Omar bin Ahmed Salim Qatan, CEO of Oman Oil Marketing Company, added that the company was proud to be the strategic partner of the Port of Duqm Company for the development of marine business at Duqm.

“We recognise the role of the Government of Oman in establishing the key infrastructure at Duqm and we highly appreciate the strong relationships already developed with Port of Duqm Company and the Duqm Special Economic Zone Authority, both entities of which will play a crucial role in the success of this endeavour.”