
Halliburton introduces new Motors Centre of Excellence


Halliburton, an oil field service company, has announced a new Motors Centre of Excellence

This is a new approach to drilling motor development that combines specialised engineering and manufacturing capabilities to customise motor designs for specific basin challenges.

The centre deploys the latest mechanical engineering expertise to build more durable motors that drill faster and allow for longer runs with a higher rate of penetration.

By establishing a dedicated team of scientists in polymer chemistry, materials, bearing and power section design, Halliburton can accelerate research and development activities to deliver leading drilling motors to the industry.

As a part of the approach, Halliburton opened two new reline facilities which are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and strategically located in Houston and Saudi Arabia to serve operators in the eastern and western hemispheres.

Lamar Duhon, vice-president of Halliburton Sperry Drilling, said, “Operators are focused on driving greater drilling performance and by investing in the Motors Centre of Excellence we can develop motors that help reduce well time and maximise productive footage.”

“This aligns with our value proposition to deliver engineered drilling solutions and reservoir insight to maximise asset value,” he added.