
GTSC opens IADC accredited training centre in Iraq


Gulf Technical & Safety Training Centre (GTSC), one of the largest Technical & Safety Training centres in the Middle East, has opened a new facility in Erbil, North Iraq, in order to provide courses for oil and gas professionals working in the region.

The official opening of the new centre was attended by AlMansoori & GTSC CEO Nabil Alalawi and his partner Abdulla Nasser Bin Hawaileel Al-Mansouri, VIP guests Sirwan Abubekr Aziz, Under Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region, and a large number of delegates from several departments of Kurdistan Government together with GTSC clients.

Training courses

The centre will provide training courses in key areas including Safety, Fire Fighting and First Aid, as well as Risk Management and Environmental Awareness in addition to their short term and long-term Technical Training programmes.

The short-term technical courses include Geology, Reservoir Engineering, Well Intervention, Drilling. The long-term programmes will involve competency based training programs ranging across operations, maintenance, mechanical and electrical activities. GTSC also has state-of-art simulators technology, with many courses, such as Drilling, Wireline, Coiled Tubing and Production testing, being offered in the centre.

First accredited centre

GTSC has become the first Training Centre in the world to ever offer Drilling Diploma and Well Testing and Design Analysis, accredited by IADC, USA.

Mr Alalawi, said: "The expansion of our training facilities into Iraq has come directly from demand for courses and training programmes within the growing market here, and we already have a highly skilled team in place."

"Thank you to all those who joined us at the facility for the official inauguration, we already have significant interest across most of the courses and look forward to working with those companies based in the region over the coming years."