
ENOC inaugurates US$180mn oil storage facility in Morocco


Horizon Terminals Limited (HTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), has inaugurated a new facility in Tangier, Morocco, with a total investment value of US$180mn.

The new ‘Horizon Tangier Terminals Ltd’ has a strategic location on the North African coast at the western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. It is located at the crossing of two major maritime routes, and well positioned to draw on business with Europe, with the facility only 15km from the EU.

Fouad Douiri, Minister of Energy, Mines, Water & Environment; His Excellency Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Infrastructure & Transport;  Mohamed Najib Boulif, Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister in charge of General Businesses & Governance; Abedlkader Aâmara, Minister of Industry Trade & New Technologies; Mohamed Hassad, Governor (Wali) of Tangier Province and Saeed Abdulla Khoory, Chief Executive Officer of ENOC attended the ceremony held in Tangier recently to mark the official opening of the facility.

Horizon Tangier Terminal can store petroleum products including Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Gasoil with a total capacity of 508,000 cu/m, and has access to road tankers and vessels. The terminal is equipped with two berths of 30,000 DWT to 70,000 DWT in addition to eight truck loading bays for petroleum products, rail wagon loading, blend plant and recirculation systems.

Saeed Abdullah Khoory said: “Horizon Tangier Terminal not only highlights the growing footprint of our storage business internationally, but is a strong indicator of the ENOC’s international expansion plans. The terminal will drive foreign trade and open up new opportunities for business in the petroleum sector..”

Horizon Tangier’s new petroleum storage terminal has several advantages. It is uniquely positioned to help address the shortage in storage facilities in North Morocco, which in turn can help reduce the historical costs associated with the supply of gasoil and motor gasoline that comes from central Morocco to the north, and eventually contribute to the growth of the Northern region.

In addition to supplying the Northern region’s requirements, the Tangier terminal will also provide bunker services as well as serve the transit market for international petroleum marketing companies.