
Reflex Marine launches free webinar series for offshore crew transfers

Health & Safety

Reflex Marine, global leaders in offshore crew and cargo access solutions, has launched a webinar series dedicated to their subject of expertise - marine crew and cargo transfers - in order to continue raising safety standards of offshore crew transfers

The webinar series is split into two main themes: industry-focus and solutions-focus. 

They look at the specific challenges related to crew and cargo logistics offshore and the best solutions for each industry depending on the operational scenarios and circumstances.

In January 2021, the solutions-focused webinar will cover Reflex Marine’s option for high-volume crew transfers – the FROG-XT10 personnel transfer carrier, its technical and operational features and applications. The FROG-XT10 is gaining more interest worldwide as operators and contractors are moving away from costly helicopter transfers and towards the more cost-effective marine crew transfer methods.

This type of device was chosen by multiple operators in the Middle East, including Dubai Petroleum and GUPCO.

Reflex Marine’s webinars are engaging and interactive, giving the audience an opportunity to ask questions and participate in polls. They are free-to-attend and streamed live at convenient times for various regions. All webinar recordings are also available on-demand on Reflex Marine’s YouTube channel.

“While 2020 created obstacles for all of us in how we can effectively communicate with our clients and partners, we want to make sure the message and drive for continuous improvement of safety standards remain strong. We agreed the best way to ensure the dialogue is still in place is to launch these webinars,” said Reflex Marine’s chief operating officer, Ms Sandra Antonovic.

Reflex Marine was the first company in the offshore crew transfer sector to engage in cross-industry research into the safety standards and incident records of this type of activity. Based on the data they collected and analysed, Reflex Marine developed industry guidance and led a number of initiatives aimed at improving safety at sea.

Their high-quality products created an industry benchmark for safe personnel transfer and have won multiple awards (e.g. Health & Safety Award for the FROG-XT at the Global Petroleum Show or Seatrade’s Safety at Sea Award for the WAVE-4 design). Operators choosing Reflex Marine’s solutions further benefit from year-round support everywhere in the world. Purchase and hire options are available for all products, and additional services such as full servicing packages are also offered.