
Brady offers more safety with custom lockout procedures and shadowboards

Health & Safety

Let experienced Brady engineers write custom Lockout/Tagout procedures and help you to implement them at your site

Get highly visible, custom lockout shadowboards for efficient, top of mind safety in the workplace.

Brady engineers have created thousands of lockout procedures for hundreds of companies in various industries. Get them to write and implement your best-in-class, company-approved, custom Lockout/Tagout safety procedures as well.

Brady Lockout/Tagout Complete Service:

Best practice, custom: experienced Brady engineers visit your facilities to create illustrated Lockout/Tagout procedures for your machines

Easy to follow: procedures enable step-by-step completion with limited training, and are linked to machine and energy control point labels in the workplace

Easily approve, edit, scale and share: work seamlessly across sites and countries with the LINK360 procedure management software. Print up-to-date Lockout/Tagout procedures locally or share digitally with smartphones and tablets.

Check out Brady's 3 services for Lockout procedures >>

Lockout Tagout Shadowboard app6 lowresCustom shadowboards increase lockout efficiency

Make safety top of mind in the workplace and optimise Lockout/Tagout efficiency with highly visible, custom lockout shadowboards. Shadowboards increase the impact of Lockout/Tagout and help to further reduce maintenance risks and accidents.

-Increase efficiency by organising relevant lockout procedures, padlocks, devices, tags and accessories on shadowboards

-Keep safety and Lockout/Tagout top of mind in the workplace with highly visible shadowboards 

-Maintain efficiency by promoting the return of tools to the board with tool shadows

Are you interested how did other companies benefit? Read the case studies on Brady’s websites!