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Six Algerian fields to begin gas production by 2017


Algerian state energy firm Sonatrach has said that it expects to start production from six gas fields with a total capacity of 74mn cu m per day in the next three years

According to APS news agency, the north African nation expects production to grow when gas flows start from Tinhert field with an output of 14mn cu m per day before reaching 24mn cu m in 2017.

Meanwhile, the fields of Hassi Bahamou and Hassi Mena will start production in 2017 with a capacity totalling 21mn cu m, the report added. The Reggane project, which will be developed with Spain’s Repsol, Germany’s RWE-DEA and Italy’s Edison, is also expected to start production in 2017 with 12mn cu m per day.

Sonatrach added that it has plans to start pumping from the Touat field in the next three years with a capacity of 12mn cu m along with partner France’s GDF. The state-owned explorer is also developing the Timimoun project in partnership with French group Total, and production is due to begin soon with five million cu m, the report said.