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Jordanian government to allow imported gas to flow through Arab Gas pipeline


The Jordanian government is expected to sign two agreements with Jordanian-Egyptian Fajr Company for Natural Gas to allow for the transfer of imported gas via the Arab Gas Pipeline

Under the first agreement, Jordan's costal city, Aqaba will see its new liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal connect to the pipeline, according to energy minister Mohammad Hamed.

Whereas under the second agreement with Fajr, gas imported from global markets will be allowed to pass through the pipeline along with Egyptian gas to reach electricity generating plants around Jordan.

"This will ensure the diversification of energy resources and preclude the disruption of the LNG supply used to generate electricity," said Hamed.

Underlining the importance of the agreements, Hamed stated that they should have been signed years ago, he added that now the Aqaba terminal construction is coming along, the agreements will help Jordan have a diversity of pure resources by November 2014.

Aqaba's LNG terminal is currently being used to channel Egyptian natural gas into Jordan.