
Middle East set to benefit from EU study on deployment of LNG


DNV GL supports the development of LNG as alternative fuel with an EU-wide study hoping to drive availability

The market study is being carried out on behalf of the CORE LNGas hive project which is co-funded by the European Commission. With obstacles being availability with increased uptake, the research aims to develop a safe and efficient, integrated logistics and supply chain for LNG in the transport industry (small-scale and bunkering), particularly for maritime transport off the Iberian Peninsula. With a total estimated budget of more than EUR33mn, the six-year project is scheduled for completion in December 2020.

The results of the project, coordinated by Enagas, will provide recommendations for the Spanish and Portuguese National Policy Frameworks for alternative fuels supply infrastructure, and will prepare the roll-out plan for future commercial deployment along the Mediterranean and Atlantic corridors in the Iberian Peninsula. The results of this study could benefit the growing LNG sector in the Middle East, especially with Qatar's LNG sector.

Fernando Impuesto, CORE LNGas hive project coordinator from Enagas, said, “The consortium partners selected DNV GL to execute the demand studies of the project based on the fact that DNV GL has been at the forefront of the development of LNG as a marine cargo for more than 50 years, and for LNG as a marine fuel more than 20 years. With that experience and support, they are an important contributor to our success in this project.” 

The CORE LNGas hive project follows another project recently delivered by DNV GL for the EU providing recommendations on how to address barriers to wider adoption of LNG as fuel. 

This demand for more knowledge and insight is being addressed with DNV GL’s new online tool, LNGi. This provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on worldwide LNG bunkering availability and market data on LNG as fuel for ships. It aims to bring stakeholders from across the LNG industry together to share market intelligence and contribute to the uptake of LNG as a ship fuel. LNGi is supported by The Society of Gas as Marine Fuel (SGMF). 

The portal’s interactive map provides information about LNG bunkering opportunities around the world and also includes data on existing and planned infrastructure such as truck loading facilities, tank-to-ship bunkering options and LNG bunker vessels, as well as detailed information on various port and infrastructure projects.  

In order to continue meeting and supporting the market in its growing demand for cleaner fuels and versatile LNG applications, DNV GL has updated the Recommended Practice (RP) for development and operation of LNG bunkering facilities (DNVGL-RP-G105). The RP provides the first industry guidance on how to perform quality measurements and quantity metering of LNG fuel supply. This enables the industry to understand the business impact of proper fiscal measurement.