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Dubai Petroleum Company discovers gas at Fateh field


Dubai Petroleum Company (DPC) has announced that it has discovered significant volumes of gas in its T-01 deep gas exploration well located at Fateh field, offshore Dubai

The company said in a statement that the T-02 deep gas exploration well was drilled to 5,562 metres into the Pre Khuff formation and is Dubai's deepest well to date.

The T-02 well has been wireline logged to evaluate the potential of gas formations. There are about 119 metres of gas rich zones out of the 274 metres drilled and logged in the Pre Khuff. The work at the well is currently being suspended to allow for later re-entry and production testing.

“Until the testing programme has been completed, potential reserves and possible production rates cannot be estimated accurately. The planned production testing procedures require the use of specialist items and equipment that have long lead times for delivery,” said a company source.

DPC said it expected to have the test results of the T-02 deep gas exploration well by 2015.

While drilling in the Pre Khuff formation, gas flowed into the T-02 well bore on a number of occasions. Current indications are that the gas is largely methane with no H2S content, added the company source.

An earlier well, T-01, was drilled into the Khuff formation in 1981 to a depth of 5,302 metres. The test results indicated that there was a significant level of H2S and nitrogen present in the well, which caused gas production and treatment difficult and expensive in an offshore environment.