
Predator Oil and Gas announces spud of Morocco well

Exploration & Production

Predator Oil & Gas, the Jersey-based oil and gas company with operations in Trinidad, Morocco and Ireland, has announced that the MOU-1 well was spudded on 20 June 2021 with drilling ahead in progress to the first planned 13 3/8" casing point

The well is forecast to take up to 20 days to drill and to run wireline logs.

The MOU-1 has been given a 'tight hole' status and therefore, unless circumstances  dictate otherwise, there will be no more information released until wireline logs have been evaluated.

Paul Griffiths, CEO of Predator Oil & Gas Holdings, commented, “This is an exciting well for the company and its shareholders and represents the culmination of work over the last 18 months, during the COVID crisis,  to create the opportunity to drill in Guercif at this time. We are very appreciative of the many people within the Company and especially those contracted to the company who have worked together as a team to execute the initiation of the drilling programme. We are also grateful for the unwavering support given to us by our partner ONHYM to help facilitate the commencement of operations.”

According to information on the Predator web site, the MOU-1 well is being drilled to test the Moulaya Prospect in the Guercif Licence, onshore Morocco. The Licence equity holders are Predator Gas Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Predator, 75% (operator) and ONHYM, the State oil company, 25%. ONHYM is carried through exploration but funds its pro-rata share of all costs upon a Declaration of Commerciality.