Total is finding ways of being resilient in the current turmoil, its CEO Patrick Pouyanné told delegates at the IP Week conference held In London on 11 February, aptly themed ‘Navigating through uncertainty’
Exploration & Production
Genel Energy to restart drilling onshore KRI oilfield
Genel Energy will resume drilling work at the Taq Taq oilfield in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) in coming weeks to ramp up production, according to the company
Saudi Aramco contracts Magseis and BGP for seismic acquisition
Magseis and partner BGP have been awarded Saudi Aramco’s S78 project for large-scale ocean-bottom seismic acquisition in the Red Sea
QP to buy Chevron’s partial stake offshore Moroccan interests
Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Chevron Morocco Exploration Limited, subsidiary of Chevron, have signed a deal to acquire a 30 per cent participating interest from the latter’s 75 per cent share in three deepwater offshore leases in North Africa
Petsec Energy completes acquisition of Damis License onshore Yemen
Australia’s Petsec Energy has acquired a 100 per cent participating interest and 82.5 per cent equity interest and operatorship of the Damis (Block S-1) Production Licence in Yemen