
Oman to boost oil production in 2012

Exploration & Production

Omans average oil output is set to increase to 915,000 bpd from 855,000 bpd this year, according to oil and gas minister Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy

Al Rumhy said that Omani oil production would be boosted by increased output from the Harweel field and a number of wells in Qarn Alam from April, which would add a further 30,000 bpd.

"Oman attaches great importance in developing oil and gas exploration and excavation programmes and implementing non-traditional oil projects," said Al Rumhy.

"There are new companies that will help contribute to Oman's oil production in the next few months such as OC Energy Company, BP and Occidental Mukhaizna."

The country's oil and gas ministry has been implementing a number of new projects such as the gas pipeline to Al Duqm Economic Zone.

Al Rumhy also commented on the new gas developments underway at Khazzan and Makarem fields. Both fields have gas in place ranging from 70 to 130 trillion cubic feet. BP is operating both these fields and the first phase of the project will target reserves of up to eight trillion cubic feet with the first gas scheduled to be delivered in 2016.

Oman's current gas production is more than 95 million cubic metres and Al Rumhy has forecast production to hit 100 million cubic metre by the end of 2012.