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National Iranian Oil Company to increase exploration

Exploration & Production

The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) will increase exploration, with a total of eight drilling rigs being deployed within the next year

NIOC exploration manager, Hormoz Qalavand, added that exploration is currently under way in southwestern Iran, near the Azadegan oilfield.

The results of the current activity, which is taking place at a depth of 3,400 to 4,000 m, will be announced following the necessary oil tests, Qalavand was quoted as saying by Shana.

The southwest of the country will form the focal point of the exploration work, said Qalavand, with priority targets within the Khozestan, Lorestan and Fars provinces.

The company is also at the early stages of exploring central Iran.

Six drilling rigs are currently carrying out exploration work across Iran and two more will be deployed in 2013.

According to Qalavand, another drilling rig is conducting exploratory activities in the northeastern Iran, near the border with Turkmenistan, in search of gas reserves.

He added that geological and geophysical assessments have been concluded in Khangiran and Gonbadli fields in northeast of the country and that the company is considering a plan to commence drilling operations in area.