
Mazarine Energy and ETAP discover oil in SMG-1 in North Africa

Exploration & Production

Mazarine Energy Tunisia BV and partner Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP) have discovered oil-bearing reservoir in exploration well Sidi Marzoug-1 (SMG-1) in the 4012 sq km Zaafrane permit in Central Tunisia

During a production test, SMG-1 well flowed, constrained by surface facilities, at a rate of more than 2,000 barrels of oil per day and five million cf of natural gas per day.

Mazarine Energy is the operator of the Zaafrane permit, with ETAP as partner. The well was drilled by Compagnie Tunisienne de Forage (CTF) to a total depth of 3880 metres.

Evaluation of the discovery is ongoing, and work has started to bring the well into production with a tie-back to Ghrib production facilities, located about 15-km northwest of SMG-1.

After a successful exploration drilling campaign in 2015 Mazarine commenced commercial production in Ghrib concession in October 2017.

In December 2017, the company was awarded the 4240 sq km Douiret permit adjacent to the Zaafrane permit. Later this year the Company plans to acquire a further 450 sq km 3D seismic survey straddling the Zaafrane and Douiret permits.

Edward van Kersbergen, founder and CEO of Mazarine Energy, said, “SMG-1 is the third discovery in a row in Tunisia. The result of this well is another proof of the significant potential of the Zaafrane and adjacent Douiret permits.”

“We are on track to expand our business and create value through bringing well SMG-1 quickly into production, and through covering more of our exploration area with 3D seismic later this year,” Kersbergen added.