
Masirah Oil launches new 3D seismic survey offshore Oman

Exploration & Production

Masirah Oil has commissioned a new 3D seismic survey offshore Omani Block 50 to select prospects for its planned multi-well exploration drilling programme in the next two years

The survey would be conducted by Dolphin Geophysical using its vessel Artemis Arctic and has been scheduled to be completed within 45 days following mobilisation, the company said.

According to Masirah Oil chairman Hans Lidgren, “The data collected will help increase our understanding of the geology in the area and provide more information for the use of Rex Virtual Drilling to select prospects for our planned multi-well exploration drilling programme in 2015 and 2016.”

In September 2014, the company was conferred the ‘Offshore Discovery of the Year’ award in Oman for discovering hydrocarbons at its second offshore exploration well in Block 50 earlier this year.


Masirah Oil discovers oil offshore Oman