
Heritage discovers new gas reservoir in Iraqi Kurdistan ‎

Exploration & Production

Heritage Oil has announced the discovery of gas at its Miran West-3 well in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

The company revealed that a new high pressure gas bearing interval was encountered above the main Jurassic reservoir, which flowed dry gas at rates as high as 17.5 million cubic feet per day.

The interval is a separate reservoir from those identified to date within the Miran structure, and Heritage Oil is working to further understand its distribution using existing well data and recently mapped 2D and 3D seismic programmes.

"We are delighted to have discovered and flowed gas from this reservoir interval. Drilling continues to the primary targets of the well within the main Jurassic reservoir where a comprehensive test program will be conducted during the remainder of this month," said CEO of Heritage Oil, Tony Buckingham.

The Miran West-3 well is currently at a depth of 3,060 meters and testing operations of the interval have been completed. The company said following the test, drilling would continue to the main Jurassic targets during the next month.

Heritage Energy Middle East, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Heritage holds a 75 per cent interest in the Miran Block.