
Frontier Resources identifies exploration areas in Oman’s Block 38

Exploration & Production

Frontier Resources has completed seismic data interpretation for onshore Block 38 in Oman and has identified a number of potential exploration targets

Frontier Resources’ 100 per cent owned Block 38 is located in the Rub Al Khali Basin in southwest Oman and covers a surface area of 17,425 sq km.

The oil and gas exploration company with assets in Oman, Zambia and Namibia had signed an exploration and production sharing agreement in November 2012. The company said that it has now completed the initial interpretation of available legacy 2D seismic data, both original and those data re-processed during 2013 by BGP International in US.

These targets, or their stratigraphic equivalents, include formations within Precambrian-Cambrian units, many of which contain hydrocarbons at the analog Khazzan - Makarem Field in central Oman, which is currently under development by BP.

In addition to the above formations, the explorer added that there is also the potential presence of an Ara formation intra-salt play on the block as seen after recent reprocessing of a test line. Based on this, Frontier Resources has decided to reprocess up to an additional 400km of legacy 2D seismic data over the area where this lead was identified and acquire new seismic data to mature the identified leads to prospect level.

Accordingly the company would be hi-grading the portfolio to determine the optimal location for a 3D seismic survey, it said.