
Eni starts production of gas field offshore Egypt

Exploration & Production

Italian major Eni has announced the commissioning and start-up of production of the Baltim South West gas field offshore Egypt

The field is located in shallow waters 12 km off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt under the Baltim South development lease. It lies 10 km from the field of Nooros, but still within the Greater Nooros area.

With the start-up of the first well, BSW1, the field is now producing an initial rate of 100 mscfpd from a new offshore platform connected to the existing onshore Abu Madi Gas Plant.

The development programme envisages the drilling of five additional wells to achieve a production target of 500 mscfpd by the second quarter of 2020.

The volumes produced by Baltim South West will further contribute to Egypt’s natural gas export capacity. The overall gas potential from the Great Nooros Area is approximately three tcf of gas in place, of which about two tcf are in the Nooros field and the remainder in Baltim South West.

The Baltim South Field Programme is divided between Eni’s subsidiary Ieoc and UK Major BP, each with a 50 per cent share. It is operated by Petrobel, a joint venture between Eni and the state-owned Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. (EGPC) on behalf of Medgas, jointly owned by EGPC and contractors Eni and BP.