
Eni awarded two exploration blocks onshore Egypt

Exploration & Production

Eni has announced that the Egyptian authorities have granted the company two exploration blocks onshore Egypt

The first block, ‘South East Siwa’, Eni with a 100 per cent stake, has been assigned within the EGPC 2018 competitive bid round.

The block, which covers an area of 3,013 km2, is located in the west desert near the company ‘SW Melehia’ concession, where two commercial oil discoveries have recently been announced and for which development plans are currently being prepared.

The second block, ‘West Sherbean’, Eni will be the operator with a 50 per cent stake and BP with a 50 per cent stake, has been awarded in the EGAS 2018 competitive bid round.

The block is located on the Nile Delta, immediately southwest of the new ‘Nile Delta’ concession assigned to the company in August 2018, where the Nooros field is located. The new block covers a surface area of 1535 km2.

If successful, the exploration of these new areas will benefit from existing or under construction infrastructures for its rapid operation.

These new concessions further strengthen the company’s position in Egypt, where the company has been operating through its subsidiary Ieoc since 1954. The company is the country’s leading producer with equity above 330,000 boepd.