
DNO finds oil in Oman

Exploration & Production

Norwegian oil firm DNO International has announced that results from initial flow tests of West Bukha-5 well in Oman has shown the presence of oil in the Thamama reservoir


The results revealed an estimated flow capacity of 1,500-2,000 barrels per day (bpd). Samples and measurements indicated an oil gravity of 35° and a gas-oil ratio of 5,000 scf/bbl.

DNO has completed drilling of the West Bukha-5 well in offshore Block 8 which is the first of a three well development drilling campaign in Block 8. The well was drilled to a total depth of 5,200 metres, including a 700 metre horizontal section, making West Bukha-5 the deepest well drilled so far by DNO in Oman.

DNO also said in a statement that it planned to restart production at its 7,000 bpd West Bukha field within six weeks after replacing a 4.3km section of a blocked pipeline, connecting the West Bukha and Bukha platforms. The temporary halt will result in lower production in the second and third quarters.