
DNO completes testing of Peshkabir well

Exploration & Production

Norwegian oil and gas company DNO International has announced that testing of its Peshkabir-1 well, located west of Tawke field in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, has struck oil

Drilled to a total depth of 4,092 meters, the deepest yet for the company in Iraq, the well targeted a large undrilled feature west of the currently producing Tawke field.

Oil shows were encountered in the Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic intervals, and six zones were tested.

The joint venture will now undertake a detailed evaluation of the results, temporarily suspending the well for possible re-entry later this year. Along with its stepped up operational activities in the region, the company has also ramped up production and sale of oil to the local market.

DNO International has resumed active drilling operations in Yemen following the return to the country of service contractors and rig personnel.

DNO, which explores and produces oil and gas in Iraq and Yemen plans to expand activities in North Africa and the Middle East. It had a gross production of 50,948 barrels of oil equivalent per day in the Q! 2012 in the Kurdistan region, making up the bulk of the company's output.