
ADNOC, Korean firms celebrate first oil production from Haliba field

Exploration & Production

Al Dhafra Petroleum, a joint venture between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Korea National Oil Company (KNOC) and GS Energy, has announced that it has started producing crude oil from Abu Dhabi’s Haliba field

Al Dhafra also discovered potential resources in three new fields in its concession area, according to the statement.

Haliba field, located along the southeast border of Abu Dhabi emirate, is a building block of ADNOC’s oil production capacity growth to four million bpd by the end of 2020. ADNOC said initial production from the field would progressively increase to 40,000 bpd by the end of 2019 as Al Dhafra Petroleum further unlocks the substantial potential of the field.

This is the first time that Al Dhafra Petroleum has been producing crude since it was established in 2014.

Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and ADNOC Group CEO, commented, “The start of production from Haliba field highlights the important role of energy cooperation in strengthening the close and deep-rooted strategic relationship between the UAE and South Korea.”

“First oil from Haliba demonstrates our ambition to unlock and maximise value from all of Abu Dhabi’s oil and gas resources to create long-term and sustainable returns for the UAE and our partners as we respond to the world’s growing demand for energy,” he noted.

Al Dhafra Petroleum plans to accelerate the production of oil from these fields by using modularised production units that provide swift and innovative production capability and transport the oil to be processed using trucks.

ADNOC further stated that the Haliba field will serve as the main production hub in Al Dhafra Petroleum’s concession area and enable it to unlock value from other nearby prospects.

Al Dhafra Petroleum – 60 per cent owned by ADNOC and 40 per cent by KNOC and GSE Energy, represented by the Korean Abu Dhabi Oil Consortium (KADOC) – focuses on exploring and developing its concession areas to assess the commercial value of several promising fields through an agile operating model.