
MEPEC to have a global and diversified focus

Event News

The First Middle East Process Engineering Conference (MEPEC) and Exhibition technical Committee has received more than 200 Technical abstracts from round 20 countries worldwide. 

The deadline to receive abstract is July 31st, 2011.

The committee chairman Dr. Halim Redhwi, Vice President (A) Dhahran Techno-Valley Company (DTVC)| & Professor, Chemical Engineering at KUPM)/Dhahran/KSA announced during the last MEPEC organizing committee meeting that the event will be a real global and diversified conference considering the level of technical participation and the numbers of abstracts from around the world up for review. 

Redhwi added that every abstract has been assigned to three technical committee members to review and evaluate. The MEPEC Technical Committee will announce which papers have been accepted during the 1st week of August 2011 and will then call for presentations.

In addition, MEPEC organizing committee has outlined the conference program, where the conference will start with keynote speeches from recognized industry leaders and decision makers.  After that, the technical program will start hosting parallel sessions during the morning and afternoon.