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LEWAS Symposium all set to open on 25 October in Bahrain

Event News

The fourth edition of Leadership Excellence for Women Awards and Symposium (LEWAS) will be held on 25 October 2018, at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre as a co-located event of GDA International Downstream Conference and Exhibition

Under the patronage of Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, minister of oil in Bahrain and supported by National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA), LEWAS will recognise and honour men and women who have a significant mark in the energy industry in the GCC.

“The objective of the symposium is to celebrate professional achievements, learn from well-respected experts, have an opportunity to network and improve upon knowledge,” said the organiser.

LEWAS presents a high calibre of panellists who are experts and can offer deep insights into gender diversity in the energy industry. The symposium, themed at Gender Diversity Advancement, is set to cover major topics that aim at different aspects of gender diversity.

Presentation: Best practices in advancing women in downstream

This topic will focus on the best practices in advancing women in downstream. The speaker will elaborate on innovative solutions that his/her organisation has embedded, to drive diversity, equity and inclusion. This topic is also the main theme of the LEWAS Symposium, with the objective to engage, empower and elevate professionals in energy.

Winning women panel

The theme for the winning women panel is Gender Diversity Accomplishments. This session will highlight the individual journeys our LEWAS award winners have undertaken. The discussion will shed light on the opportunities these women have found in industry and begin to identify catalysts to improve gender diversity in energy.

Talk show

The theme for the talk show is Gender Diversity Accountability. This discussion topic will focus on innovative solutions that have been embedded in organisations, to drive diversity, equity and inclusion. Attendees are expected to learn more from the panellists on what they have done/supported in their organisation, describe the innovative solution, why the organisation invested in that particular solution, the impact that it had created and the next steps.

Debate: To quota or not to quota

The theme of this debate is Gender Diversity Approaches. This topic will focus on the various gender diversity approaches related to setting quotas, identifying targets, handling sticky floor, leaky pipeline and glass ceiling syndromes. It focuses on the advantages of using different approaches in bridging the gender gap in energy.

Presentation: The state of gender diversity globally in oil and gas

The theme for this presentation/interview is Gender Diversity Analytics. At a macro level, this topic will focus on the state of gender diversity around the world, as it relates to the downstream industry and the energy industry, as a whole. This session is focused on presenting facts and figures that address the issue of gender diversity and recommendations in moving forward on the journey of gender diversity in the energy industry.

The Leadership Excellence for Women Awards will be held on 23 October 2018 at Four Seasons Hotel, Bahrain Bay. The award is dedicated to recognising excellence and celebrating professionals who demonstrate talent and innovation in the energy industry.