
GCC prepared to face any oil spill crisis in the region

Event News

Offshore Arabia conference and exhibition concluded in Dubai after three days of intensive courses and lectures presented by 23 specialists and experts from 13 countries.

Topics discussed this year concentrated on the Oil Spill and the Innovative Technology applied to oil spill response.

Crisis management and quick response

Members of the organizing committee were keen this year on tackling the international cooperation in terms of crisis management and quick response in order to decrease the negative effect that might arise to the marine life when such a disaster occur.

Mr. Ali Ashkanani, member of the Organizing Committee and Manager of Oil Spill and Emergency Response in Qatar Petroleum said: "the GCC Countries are always keen on coordinating and cooperating with each other when it comes to emergency cases especially in the oil and gas field."

"There are also a number of organizations located in different parts of the gulf to help in fulfilling this harmony in cooperation such as the Regional Protection of Marine Environment (RPMOI) located in Kuwait."

Rules and regulations

"The RPMOI is responsible for imposing laws and regulations for all organizations working in the oil and gas field in the GCC, Iraq and Iran. The organization is also responsible for addressing any environmental disaster that may occur in the GCC seas."

Mr. Ali also said that: "all GCC countries follow the rules and regulations of the (RPMOI) which in return coordinate with the Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre (MEMAC) in Kingdom of Bahrain, and then (MEMAC) transfer all the information to all members in order to take precautionary measures to prevent oil spill from reaching the shorelines".

Major challenges

Mr. Ali also mentioned that the major challenges that come up is the trouble and obstacles that the people working in this field counter during transportation from one country to the other, which consumes a lot of time and effort especially at the borders and custom departments.